t. +44 (0) 1707 660 377
e. hello@scribblesmedia.co.uk
Best Practice Group
Thought leadership article writing and email marketing to senior executive audience for management consultancy, helping to win projects worth millions over the years.
Article & Email Marketing
Thought Leadership
9 Year
£ms Won
Each Year
BPG is a team of specialist strategic supplier relationship experts. They guide organisations in their pursuit of stronger, more productive client-supplier working relationships on complex outsourcing projects, consulting on everything from the development of legal structures to achieve longer lasting collaborative commitment to the realignment of a relationship that has gone astray or started down a path to failure.
We have been working with BPG for 9 years, writing several 1,500 to 3,000 word thought leadership articles each and every month, along with the emails that promote them to their senior management and board-level audience in both public and private sector organisations across the country.
We didn’t start out with a background in complex strategic relationship management between public and private sector entities. However, as with all of our clients, a period spent developing a precise brief, asking the right questions, digging deeper, research and a collaborative approach to the project, has enabled us to successfully write ‘as’ these senior consultants to their peer audience for years.
These thought leadership articles, and the email marketing campaign which promotes them, serve as an engagement tool, evidencing our client's expertise in this specialist niche. They are a fundamental part of the company’s marketing strategy, helping them to start conversations which have led to projects worth millions of pounds over the last decade.
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