t. +44 (0) 1707 660 377
e. hello@scribblesmedia.co.uk

Use us as a critical friend, your editor-in-chief, to supercharge your copy
Adding fuel to the fire of your words.
If you’d prefer to write a first draft, but need a professional eye to identify ways to strengthen your copy – on a tender, proposal or pitch deck, or your website, brochure or marketing content – our forensic editing service is here to review and refine your words, to identify any weaknesses, ambiguity or verbosity and ensure your copy is clear, concise and powerful enough to convert.
Tender & SQ Refine
Proposal Refine
Pitch Deck Refine
Websites & Brochures

Tender & SQ.
Whether you’re answering a Selection Questionnaire (SQ) or an Invitation To Tender (ITT) you’ll need to ensure that you a) fully understand the questions within the questions being asked, and b) create clear, direct and powerful answers to make you their obvious choice.
We work with clients to refine their draft documents and increase their chances of progressing within the tender process to win contracts worth tens of thousands to millions of pounds.
When everything hangs on a single document, make it a powerful document. When you’ve decision-makers to impress every word should be laced with a reason for them to say ‘YES’.
We’re specialists at analysing the language, tone and structure of copy to root out any issues that could be holding your proposal back, diluting its impact and threatening your prospects of winning the client, contract or job you are pitching for. Your proposal, enhanced.

Pitch Decks.
You're standing in front of a prospect. The next few minutes will mean the difference between winning or losing the deal... what do you say?
Whether you are pitching in person, remotely or simply through a submitted deck to win that deal, project, client, funding or strategic partner, you have just one opportunity to make a mind-blowing first impression. Let us help you to refine yours, to take it from 'ok', to 'OK where do I sign?'
If you have any client-facing copy or content in need of revision and refinement, analysis or improvement, just let us know.
We've been writing and refining websites and brochures for management consultants, estate agents, law firms, accountants and luxury property developers, to name just a few, for 16 years. We understand the flow, structure and language required to persuade people into action and we'd be delighted to see whether and where we can improve the conversion power of your copy.

Small to medium sized businesses spend anything from thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds a year on their marketing, but how many can say they get a great return on this investment? The success of your marketing is influenced by many things, but central to all of them is the copy you use to ensure that your audience trusts you, engages with you, and buys from you.
We review any and all marketing copy for our clients to refine its power to cut through the noise.
When you have a message to convey or a story to share to persuade your target audience to do something, know something or feel something, then you may wish for a critical friend to analyse whether the words you're using truly have the simplicity, clarity and strength to hit home.
We offer copywriting and editing services across blogs, articles, case studies, customer stories, expanded testimonials and all manner of marketing in order to optimise their impact with your target audience.
Get in touch.
If you have a project to discuss, call us on +44 (0) 1707 660 377
or send us a message using the form below.